Charisma Enterprise manages its way to the top of ERP solutions

Bucharest, 9th of March 2010

Charisma Enterprise, the integrated solution for enterprise resource planning, joins the exclusive club of “first tier” ERP solutions in Romania. After the market research company Pierre Audoin Consultants awarded it with the 3rd place in 2009 for the ERP solutions available on the local market, after SAP and Oracle, but having the greatest growth dynamics, Charisma Enterprise system received in 2010 another great recognition from the press financial group FinMedia.

Implemented in 11 European countries and offering undisputed expertise in fields such as finance/banking, leasing, distribution, retail, constructions, engineering, services, utilities or public administration, Charisma Enterprise system manages businesses of over EUR 23 billion only in Romania. Thus, 160,000 employees in over 350 national and multinational companies in Romania benefit from the experience gathered in the 8 years that have passed from the product launching on the market. Currently, Charisma Enterprise easily dominates verticals such as leasing, retail, distributions and constructions, providing all business sectors with innovative solutions, adapted to the difficult economic situation.

Due to the international methodologies it incorporates and to the advanced architecture, that can support even the most complex tasks, Charisma Enterprise has been recently included in the first tier category, until now only exclusively designated to international ERPs.  On the other hand, the usability, low implementation time and thus low usage costs clearly differentiate Charisma as being the most attractive ERP solution available on the Romanian market.

The „First Tier e-ERP 2009“ Prize awarded by FinMedia group rewards the implementation performance of Charisma system in Alpha Bank. The project has been considered by the bank specialists as being very complex due to simultaneous execution with the implementation of the core banking system.

Charisma Enterprise system is available for free trials at the following address: Charisma Enterprise means 130 specialists in complex business process analysis, implementation, development of turnkey solutions and after-sale support.