The humanitarian action “You can be Santa too!”

Two weeks before Christmas, our employees offered gifts to the poor children from the Social Establishment of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Slobozia village, Giurgiu County.

The winter holidays generally bring out generosity and altruism in people.  It was also the case of TotalSoft’s employees, with the majority of them involving in the last donation campaign “You can be Santa too!”. The money and items collected were used to offer a joyful Christmas to the people from the Social Establishment of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, Slobozia village, Giurgiu County.

The parcels containing clothes and footwear, books, toys, sweets, fruits, were collected after an internal campaign run in TotalSoft. Next, on December 13, a few employees offered the children in the establishment the Christmas presents, bringing joy to their hearts. The campaign to help the children coming from poor families is already an annual tradition in the company.

The Social Establishment of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel is a true community made up of 8 single mothers and 27 children, together with the adjacent staff. The purpose of the establishment is the reintegration of these people into society. You can find more about this social center at: