Charisma Asset Management Software provides permanent, accurate and effective monitoring of tangible assets (fixed assets and inventory assets) and of depreciable intangible assets (software, licenses, patents, trademarks).
Assets Management Module allows their depreciation through various methods and liaises with other business modules.
Benefits of Charisma Asset Management Software:
Accurate recording, allocation by locations, departments and cost centres;
Accurate calculation of depreciations based on multiple, parallel depreciation plans.
Monitoring of transfers, upgrades, dismantlements.
Features of Charisma Asset Management Software:
Manages tangible and intangibles assets based on fixed asset sheet including data like:
Values, methods of acquisition, type of property, technical characteristics;
Monthly and accumulated depreciations.
Covers all changes in logistics, value, method of depreciation of the assets, as well as technical characteristics, location and accounting allocations;
Contains the definition of classes and groups of fixed assets in order to determine common characteristics;
Allows multiple systems of depreciation which differ by type, duration, currency, form of application (linear, accelerated, degressive, degressive with wear and tear, with 20% discount etc.);
Allows changes in structure, increases /decreases in value, location, cost centre;
Allows various revaluations requested based on legal provisions or company policies;
Follows up the history of the changes occurring in fixed assets throughout the activity during the life cycle of the fixed asset;
Includes the Fixed Assets Register - records of assets for any important business entity.