Family Medicine
The family doctor is the first one being inquired if a medical problem arises. Most specialist medical advices are based on a referral from your General Practitioner, this raising the issue of integrating the activities of one medical room with other offices within the medical unit. Family Medicine module is dedicated to the efficient management of the specific activity of primary care and integration of patient information with other information existing in the medical unit.
- Increases patient safety
- Eliminates human errors
- Reduces operational costs
- Reduces the time needed to conduct specific family medicine activites
- Increseas the analysis capacity
- Manages lists of patients registered with family doctors, including transfers, patient history, referrals, patient data;
- Records medical services provided to patients attending General Practitioner: compensated and uncompensated ones;
- Generates, manages and prints medical letters, laboratory or clinical referrals, as well as tickets for admission, taking into account the specific forms;
- Generates any operational, statistical and management reports, required in family medicine practices, including activity reporting to CAS and reporting according to SIUI (Single Integrated Information System) and DSP standards.