DRG Optimization
The ICM value is obtained following reporting of cases of Continuous Hospitalization to the National DRG system and validation of cases. DRG Optimization Module performs the DRG estimation of the cases - according to the algorithms provided by the DRG system, determining a relative value of the reported cases and giving the possibility of ICM calculation at level of physician, department or hospital.
- Reduces operational costs. The module significantly reduces the use of paper, thus reducing the time necessary to complete the cases and make the corrections. In addition, the problems related to the encoding of data in cases of hospitalization disappear, all information being completed in the system;
- Increases the effectiveness of the medical unit - Providing the users health care professionals with the possibility to view their own efficiency and the degree of complexity for the treated cases;
- Increases the capacity of analysis - Due to ensuring the quick access to the updated situations, the solution increases the capacity of analysis regarding the processed cases, encountered errors, optimization solutions etc.
- Implements the DRG evaluation algorithms of the cases in terms of categories of errors provided by National DRG. The system provides a suite of verification reports that highlight the errors encountered in cases of Day Hospitalizations which are to be reported;
- Performs the estimation of the Relative Value for each separate case which is to be reported;
- Generates a number of operational, statistical and managerial reports.