CRM - Field Service Management

Charisma FSM (Field Service Management) provides complex support for all types of activities carried out in the field by sending and collecting information in real time. Charisma FSM solves real business challenges associated with a wide range of processes such as creating service requests, scheduling and dispatching the staff in the field, providing visibility on operational activities, tracking of Service Level Agreements (SLA), inventory management of spare parts etc.

  • Full management of field activities;
  • Integrated communication with ERP / CRM systems; 
  • Eliminating system errors by automating the retrieval processes of field information and the manual effort of entering the data;
  • Increases the level of satisfaction of customers;
  • Increases motivation of technicians, sales agents and intervention teams;
  • Complex functionalities covering various types of activities; service activities (interventions maintenance, etc.), promotional activities, sale;
  • Integrated information and decision-making base. The sale agent is provided with a specific dashboard for the activity performed, with up-to-date information.
  • Strategic and operational planning of work orders;
  • Effective execution of field work by automated cooperation between the team fields and back-office;
  • Real time monitoring and reporting for executive and operational management;
  • Notifications and alerts;
  • Complete functionalities by types of activities:
    • Technicians / service representatives; 
    • Medical representatives;
    • Collection agents; 
    • Marketing agents; promoter, hostess, sampling, opinion polls, exit polls, outdoor activities; 
    • Sale agents.
Charisma FSM is integrated with the CRM module suite, ensuring a complete information flow between all potential partners; customer, supplier, call centre operator, dispatcher, salesman, financial etc.