According to GDPR regulations, companies that manually or automatically process personal data (such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, income, etc.) are obligated to delete or anonymize that data. This data can belong to customers, suppliers, employees, or partners, essentially any data that exists within a company.

To comply with these requirements, you can adopt a user-friendly web solution that can be applied to any platform or software, offering quick implementation and immediate effect.

  • Selection of platforms and software solutions for which data anonymization is desired.
  • Establishment of rules for anonymizing personal data based on your company's specific needs.
  • Identification of data to be anonymized and defining the anonymization process.
  • Reports on data to be anonymized in the upcoming period.
  • Approval workflows for data that is susceptible to anonymization.
  • Automatic anonymization of new data at a defined frequency.

By implementing this solution, you can efficiently align with GDPR requirements and ensure the protection of personal data within your company. The web-based interface makes it easy to configure the desired platforms and software, define anonymization rules, and generate reports. The automatic anonymization feature helps streamline the process and ensures that new data is promptly anonymized. With this solution in place, you can confidently handle personal data while maintaining compliance with GDPR regulations.


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