Purchasing & Cost Control

Charisma Cost Control is an innovative solution designed specifically to assist companies in efficiently managing operational costs and supplier contracts. This revolutionary product optimizes procurement workflows, starting from budget structuring and expense request management, all the way to developing and maintaining strong relationships with suppliers, securing advantageous contract agreements, and monitoring them throughout their execution.
With the help of Charisma Cost Control, companies can benefit from greater transparency and control over operational costs. This solution provides a comprehensive set of tools for monitoring and managing expenses, allowing for a panoramic view of the budget and available resources. Through an intuitive interface, users can track and approve expense requests, ensuring compliance with internal policies and procedures.
Another key aspect of Charisma Cost Control is its ability to facilitate supplier relationship management. The product offers a centralized system for storing and quickly accessing information about suppliers, including contact details, purchase history, and their performance. This enables companies to make more informed decisions regarding supplier selection and evaluation, as well as develop solid and long-term partnerships.
Charisma Cost Control also emphasizes efficient contract management with suppliers. Users can create, manage, and track contracts in a centralized manner, having access to all relevant information such as terms and conditions, contractual clauses, and expiration dates. This helps reduce risks and costs associated with manual contract administration and ensures compliance with deadlines and contractual obligations.

Discover below the solutions that can streamline your activities.
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